ABS Exercises for That Summer-Ready Body
•Posted on February 06 2018

For the longest time, I thought that the one-way ticket to amazing abs is by doing crunches. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. Reading health and exercise articles on the internet, I have found out that snagging a flat belly requires more than hours of sitting up and feeling nauseated afterwards. It requires multi-muscle exercises that target all the regions of your core—upper and lower abs, obliques, transverse abdominis, and lower back muscles.
It’s not too late to get yourself that summer bod people has been dying to have, though! Try these exercises and cinch your waistline in no time!
Put a couple of dumbbells about shoulder-width separated on the floor.
(A) Grab the handles and position yourself in a pushup position.
(B) Lower your body to the floor and after that press back up.
(C) Once you're back in the beginning position, pull the dumbbell in your correct hand up toward the side of your trunk. Pause, at that point go back to the beginning position and repeat with your left hand. That is 1 rep. Try to keep your torso from pivoting each time you push the weight.
(A) Grab a couple of dumbbells and let them hang at a careful distance by your sides with your palms facing forward.
(B) Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as near your shoulders as you can. Quickly drive your hips back and bring down your body into a squat, until your thighs are in any event parallel to the floor.
(C) Stand up and press the dumbbells over your head. That is 1 rep. Go back to the beginning position and repeat.
(A) Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at arm's length at your sides, your palms facing each other.
(B) Step forward and to the side so that your lead foot winds up before your back foot (like a dip). Bring down your body until your front knee is bentat approximately 90 degrees.
(C) Pause, at that point come back to the beginning position and repeat with your other leg.
Get a resistance band and step on it with one foot (utilize both feet for more resistance).
(A) Hold the band in each hand at a manageable distance, about shoulder-width separated, and afterward bend at your hips and lower your middle until it's practically parallel to the floor. Your knees should be somewhat bent and your lower back normally curved.
(B) Squeeze your shoulder bones together and pull the band up to your upper abs. Pause, at that point return the bar back to the beginning position.
(A) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides holding a pair of dumbbells.
(B) Push your hips back, curve your knees, and lower your body as low as you can into a squat.
(C) Place the dumbbells on the floor, at that point kick your legs in reverse into a push-up position.
(D) Kick your legs back to the squat position. Stand up and jump. That is 1 rep.
Hold a couple of dumbbellsupright over your shoulders, with your arms totally straight. Squeeze your abs tight for the whole exercise.
(A) Stand in a staggered position, your left foot before your right foot.
(B) Push your hips back and bend your knees so you bring down your body into a squat. Pause, at that point push yourself go back to the beginning position. Perform the endorsed number of reps, and after that do a similar number of reps with your right foot before your left.
Hold a couple of dumbbells up over your shoulders, with your arms totally straight. Squeeze your abs tight for the whole exercise.
(A) Stand in a staggered position, your left foot before your right foot.
(B) Push your hips back and bend your knees so you bring down your body into a squat. Pause; at that point push yourself to go back to the beginning position. Perform the instructed number of reps, and after that do a similar number of reps with your right foot before your left.
These exercises would definitely give you the abs that you have been wanting to have and you would surely fit into those skinny jeans again, but please take note that the strain you put on your body would mean pain a few moments later. There are a handful of routines that require you to squat and that would put a tremendous stress on your legs and calves and even your knees! To make exercising more fun and less painful, don’t forget to check out and try our ZAREUS Graduate Compression Calf Sleeves here:
For Canada: www.amazon.ca/dp/B00XVP4DQ8/
For US: www.amazon.com/dp/B00XVP4DQ8/
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